Price Prediction

Price Prediction is a game in which players make guesses about the future value of a digital asset. A mathematical model is used to determine the accuracy of a prediction, which influences the size of the reward. In general, the closer the forecast is to the actual outcome, the greater the benefits.

Price Prediction happens on a weekly basis. At the beginning of every week, the initial price of an asset is registered. Until the end of Thursday, the users can make guesses of a specific number or a percentage change in this price. At the end of the week, the system will register the closing price in order to compute the scoring and the final rewards. A detailed timeline will be given below.

In this game, participants will bet in USDC, with the minimum amount of 5 USDC and no maximum. Players can make multiple bets with different predictions. Each bet will be recorded as one separate entry.

Price Prediction uses real-time data from Chainlink Oracle.


Every week, there are 04 important milestones:

  1. Betting begins (00:01 UTC on Monday): The system registers the opening price. Participants may begin submitting their wagers and forecasts.

  2. Betting ends (23:59 UTC on Thursday): The system stops accepting predictions. Participants await the outcome.

  3. Score calculation (23:30 UTC on Sunday): The system registers the closing price and computes the scoring and the final reward.

  4. Reward: The reward will be accessible after the score computation, often concurrently with the start of a new betting round. Within 30 days, all participants should verify and claim their awards.

Last updated